18-22 September 2017
Livermore Valley Open Campus
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Livermore, California
The goal of the workshop is to provide participants with hands-on, end-to-end experience in accessing, processing, modeling, and visualizing seismic data using advanced tools in seismological research. Participants will have access to FDSN data centers and HPC resources through the Livermore Open Campus (LVOC) to obtain and process seismic waveform data, run 3-D simulations to simulate the seismic wavefield in realistic 3D Earth models, and visualize the results. Tutorials will be offered in ObsPy, SW4, SPECFEM3D, and more!
The workshop will include keynote talks on computational seismology, leading edge research, and tutorials. Software tutorials will include independent exercises and time for participants to tinker with their own research problems. Participants will share their research through posters and lighting talks to encourage scientific exchange.
Participant Limit: 55
Arthur Rodgers, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Cynthia Green, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Lorraine Hwang, University of California, Davis
CIG Seismology Working Group
Expression of Interest Closes: May 26, 2017
Notification Begins: June 9, 2017
Registration Closes: July 21, 2017 *
Registration is now open and will be first come first serve beginning July 17. At that time, your non-refundable registration fee of $200 is due. All foreign nationals MUST register by this date to participate fully.
*Registration will remain open until filled. If you are a foreign national and wish to fully participate, allow at least 6 weeks for your guest information to be processed. All visitors must have a valid governmental ID. Please see LVOC Access Information.
Graduate students and early career seismologists interested in: accessing and processing seismic waveform data with ObsPy; running large-scale parallel three-dimensional simulations of wave propagation and ground motions on hpc systems; and visualizing the output.
Participants should have a strong UNIX, Linux and/or Mac OSX computer skills, some experience with Python and a foundation in seismology. To obtain maximum benefits from this workshop, please see Technical Requirements for required skills.
We recommend that you pick up and read:
Igel, Heiner (2016), Computational Seismology: A Practical Introduction, 1., edited by Oxford University Press, Oxford University Press.
Order online for a 30% discount using the promotion code: ASPROMP8. Supplementary material is available on Seismo-Llve.
Participants must bring their own laptops with software pre-installed.
Please navigate to the Workshop registration site to join the waitlist.
You must apply to attend. To be fully considered, please apply by May 26. You will be notified of your acceptance beginning June 9. Your offer will include a link to register. If you are a foreign national, to fully participate in all events you MUST register by July 21.
A registration fee of $200 will be charged to cover the costs of lunch and breaks. Registrations fees cannot be refunded.
Lodging at the DoubleTree Hotel, Livermore (double occupancy) is covered by the workshop. Participants may apply for up to an additional $600 to cover transportation expenses.
Carene Larmat (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Tom Jordan (Southern California Earthquake Center & University of Southern California)
Norm Abrahamson (Pacific Gas & Electric)
Ebru Bozdag (Colorado School of Mines)
Chad Trabant (IRIS, IRIS data access)
Lion Krischer (ETH Zurich, ObsPy)
Uno Vaaland (Princeton University, SPECFEM)
Anders Petersson (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, SW4)
Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Seismological Society of America