
9 December 2015

Brad Aagaard, Tim Ahern, Jed Brown, Lorraine Hwang, Louise Kellogg, Dave May, Carl Tape, Jolante van Wijk
Jon Aurnou, Magali Billen, Scott King

The meeting focused on:

  • All-Hands CIG meeting, UC Davis, June 17-24, 2016
    • 2.5 day plenary meeting similar to IRIS, UNAVCO, COMPRESS
    • Tutorials before/after scheduled so that people would not likely attend tutorials before and after
  • Business meeting at the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco
  • Open-source software licensing options
    • Software best practices includes copyright and license information should be included in the header of each code file. Scripts are available on gidhub.
  • Software citation
    • Discussing software attribution text and tools for both legacy software and current/new software
  • Tutorial best practices
    • Need document similar to Software Development Best Practices for tutorials
    • Want draft of document in time to guide tutorials at All-Hands meeting

Action Items:

  • Seeking speaker suggestions for All-Hands meeting
  • Seeking feedback on software citation tool
  • Forming small working group to develop Tutorial Best Practices

5 October 2015

Brad Aagaard, Jon Aurnou, Magali Billen, Jed Brown, Lorraine Hwang, Louise Kellogg, Dave May, Carl Tape, Jolante van Wijk
Tim Ahern, Scott King

The meeting focused on:

  • All-Hands CIG meeting in June or July 2016
  • Business meeting at the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco
  • Publishing the Software Best Practices in a journal

Action Items:

  • Need to finalize date for CIG All-Hands meeting and identify dates of other meetings to avoid conflict.
  • Business meeting will be Mon evening at the Intercontinental Hotel next to Moscone West

20 May 2015

Agenda: CIG III proposal feedback from SSC

15 April 2015

Present: Brad Aagaard, Magali Billen, Jed Brown,  Lorraine Hwang, Louise Kellogg, Scott King, Carl Tape
Absent:  Tim Ahern, Jon Aurnou, David May,  Jolante van Wijk

The meeting focused on:

  • Reviewing the software best practices document
  • Status update on the CIG III proposal
  • Review of subaward proposals for CIG III and recommendations to the EC 

Action Items:

  • Finalize software best practices and publish it online

18 March 2015 

10 November 2014

Present: Brad Aagaard, Tim Ahern, Jon Aurnou, Jed Brown, Roger Buck, Lorraine Hwang, Louise Kellogg, Scott King, Carl Tape
Absent:   Magali Billen, Jolante van Wijk

The meeting focused on

  • EAGER Award for development of a software citation methodology for open source software.
  • INCITE award to Geodynamo Working Group - 83 million core-hours on Mira for Year 1
  • Best practices for software development document outline

Action Items:

  • CIG HQ will setup a sandbox for storing models. 
  • Brad Aagaard will begin working on the narrative.

17 September 2014

Present: Brad Aagaard, Tim Ahern, Jed Brown, Roger Buck, Lorraine Hwang, Louise Kellogg, Scott King, Carl Tape
Absent:  Jon Aurnou, Magali Billen, Jolante van Wijk

The meeting focused on

  • CIG participation in the EarthCube CINERGI project
  • Creating a database for contributed models
  • Best practices for software development

Action Items:

  • CIG HQ will work with the EarthCube CINERGI project to add CIG resources to their resource viewer.
  • CIG HQ will setup a sandbox for storing models. Brad Aagaard will solicit a contribution from each of a few different codes (SPECFEM3D, PyLith, CITCOMS).
  • Brad Aagaard will develop a strawman list of software development best practices for discussion at the next SSC meeting.

22 July 2014

Present: Brad Aagaard, Magali Billen, Jed Brown, Jolante van Wijk, Lorraine Hwang, Scott King, Carl Tape
Absent: Tim Ahern, Jon Aurnou, Roger Buck, Louise Kellogg

The meeting focused on

  • Potential CIG participation in the EarthCube CINERGI project
  • Creating a database for contributed models
  • Best practices for software development


  • Committee needs more time to review EarthScope CINERGI project before formulating a recommendation for CIG participation.
  • Committee expressed support for creating a database for contributed models.

Action Items:

  • Committee members will review EarthCube CINERGI project tools and discuss potential CIG participation at the next SSC meeting.
  • Committee members will examine potential tools for creating a database for contributed models and work on developing some use cases for PyLith, SPECFEM, and CitCom.
  • Jed Brown will give a webinar on Git workflow in Oct.
  • Discussion of how to document best practices for software development postponed to next meeting.

20 June 2014

Present: Tim Ahern, Jon Aurnou, Brad Aagaard, Magali Billen, Jed Brown, Roger Buck, Eric Heien, Lorraine Hwang, Louise Kellogg, Carl Tape
Absent: Scott King, Jolante van Wijk

The meeting focused on:

  • Submission of EAGER proposal for citing scientific software
  • Submission of proposal to NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) program
  • Request for additional support for geodynamo software development
  • Update from Eric Heien on using Jenkins for automated building and testing of software
  • Revising the Strategic Plan


  • Committee approved providing 75% support for Nick for geodynamo development.
  • Committee expressed support for diversifying CIG funding through submission of proposals to the EAGER and NRT programs.

Action Items:

  • Committee members will provide suggested revisions to the Strategic Plan by July 11.
  • Eric Heien will report back to the Committee in Sep on using Jenkins for automated building and testing.
  • Discussion of best practices for software development postponed to next meeting.

2 May 2014

Present: Tim Ahern, Brad Aagaard, Magali Billen, Jed Brown, Lorraine Hwang, Louise Kellogg, Scott King, Carl Tape
Absent: Jon Aurnou, Roger Buck, Jolante van Wijk

This meeting was devoted to the 2014-15 Operations Plan. The plan was approved unanimously by the members present. The discussions focused on issues mentioned in the Operations Plan, including how to encourage and promote good software engineering practicies within the community so that members contribute their modifications back to the main repositories, how to improve automated testing of CIG codes (more info on the current status is needed), and how to keep the community up-to-date on software development plans.

10 March 2014

This meeting focused on

The main outcomes were

  • Working group members will have two-year renewable terms. Current working group members will be asked to opt-in.
  • The report from the CIG-EarthScope Institute for Lithospheric Modeling Workshop illustrated good progress. The SSC will be pushing the working group to build upon the report and develop a work plan.
  • The SSC will continue developing the CIG positioning document. The current focus is on differentiating between strategic objectives and action items related to achieving the strategic objectives.
  • CIG is working on forming an External Advisory Panel. The tenative plan is for the panel to be made up of about five members serving three year terms. The panel should be made up members from outside our community. Ideas for people who might make good members include people with an education/outreach, computational science, or planetary science background. The SSC welcomes suggestions for members for the External Advisory Panel.
  • CIG is receiving requests for participating in proposed EarthCube activities. So far the requested participation is very limited, for example, membership on advisory panels.

24 February 2014

This meeting focused on discussing the current draft of the new Strategic Plan (the planning document resulting from the leadership retreat in late January) and accepting AxiSEM as donated code. IRIS is building a portal to AxiSEM, so ongoing coordination between IRIS and CIG will be important to insure IRIS is providing access to the current release and version information is consistent. The SSC also discussed at what stage CIG might highlight donation of AxiSEM and concluded it should not be highlighted until there was an assessment of its current capabilities and workflow.

  • The committee requested that CIG staff continue adding in more material from the Jan leadership retreat before the SSC provides more detailed suggestions for revision.
  • The SSC voted to accept AxiSEM as donated code.
  • The SSC is interested in receiving feedback on user's experiences with AxiSEM, especially the workflow for setting up and running simulations.

18-20 January 2014

Action Items:

  1. Draft a Strategic Plan by late Spring 2013
  • Define mission, vision for what CIG should be, and core values
  • Outline strategic actions and objectives to achieve vision
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