Software development plans for PyLith
Permit users to stop simulation before time stepping in order to diagnose parameter settings.
C implementation better integrated with PETSc. Smaller memory usage. Facilitates multiphysics and higher order discretizations.
Create Nucleation object with spatial and temporal perturbation of tractions from initial value.
Will provide significant speedup to simulations run by many users because most are running on desktop machines that have GPUs.
Requires interpolation of fields between different meshes/discretizations and may require extrapolation of solutions when quasi-static problems span a larger domain than the dynamic problems.
Moment tensor point sources provide a mesh independent deformation source that is better suited for Green's function calculations than slip on a fault surface via cohesive cells.
Use fault constitutive model to control slip on fault except during episodes of prescribed slip. Need some way to describe when to turn on/off prescribed slip.