
Actively supported, maintained and upgraded by community contributors.

How to Cite

Code changes:

Geodynamics Forum

Bug reports:
Github Issue Tracker

CeCILL License (version 2)


SEISMIC_CPML is a set of eleven open-source Fortran90 programs to solve the two-dimensional or three-dimensional isotropic or anisotropic elastic, viscoelastic or poroelastic wave equation using a finite-difference method with Convolutional or Auxiliary Perfectly Matched Layer (C-PML or ADE-PML) conditions, developed by Dimitri Komatitsch and Roland Martin from CNRS, France. Contributions by other authors have recently been added.

Current Release

User Resources

Community Wiki

Visit the SEISMIC_CPML Wiki page for additional support with building, using, or modifying SEISMIC_CPML.

SEISMIC_CPML Publications List

Research publications using SEISMIC_CPML.

Community Discussion

Browse the CIG Mailing List Archive to find past discussions and previous troubleshooting help, or post to the CIG forum with questions or comments.

Developer Resources

Development Version

If you are interested in getting the development version of this code from the CIG repository, use the following git command:

git clone --recursive

You can also browse the history of modifications in the Git repository.

Issue/Bug Tracker on Github

Browse and/or submit new issues at our Github Issues Tracker.


Shows location of all users who downloaded SEISMIC_CPML in the past year (image updated daily.)

map showing location of all users who downloaded SEISMIC_CPML in the last year (image updated daily)
This image was generated using GMT: The Generic Mapping Tools which is released under the GNU LGPL3+. Location data is based on MaxMind's GeoLite database which is released under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 3.0.
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