
Actively adding features to support improved science or performance by community contributors.

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GNU Public License


Relax implements a semi-analytic Fourier-domain solver and equivalent body forces to compute quasi-static relaxation of stress perturbation.

It is not an acronym, it's a motto!

The open-source program Relax evaluates the displacement and stress in a half space with gravity due to dislocations, Mogi sources, and surface tractions; and the nonlinear time-dependent deformation that follows due to power-law rheology materials in the bulk and/or rate-strengthening friction faults. The numerical method is based on a Fourier-domain elastic Green's function (Barbot & Fialko, 2010a; 2010b) and an equivalent body-force representation of co-seismic and post-seismic deformation processes (Barbot et al., 2009b). Application of the method for the 2004 Mw 6 Parkfield earthquake can be found in the work of Barbot et al. (2009b) and Bruhat et al. (2011). A coupled model of afterslip and laterally-heterogeneous viscoelastic flow following the 1999 Mw 7.6 Chi-Chi earthquake using relax is described by Rousset et al. (2012).

The possible applications for the earthquake-cycle modeling include: i) co-seismic displacement and Coulomb stress calculation, ii) quasi-static stress transfer between earthquakes due to a postseismic transient, iii) modeling of postseismic transients including nonlinear rheologies and multiple mechanisms, iv) cycle of multiple earthquakes and spin-up models, v) loading cycle of lakes or the monsoon. The distribution includes various examples for published coseismic slip distributions.

Current Release


These binaries are suitable for use on single core/processor computers as well as multi-core or multi-processor computers. They can only be used on a single compute node of a cluster.

Relax-Centos5-1_0_7.tgz [2014-09-30]

Binary version for 64 bit Centos 5 and RHEL 5.

Relax-Linux64-1_0_7.tgz [2014-09-30]

Binary version for 64 bit Linux.

Relax-Mac-1_0_7.dmg [2014-09-30]

Binary version for Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or later. [2014-09-30]

Binary version for Windows Vista or later.

Relax-Linux32-1_0_7.tgz [2013-09-30]

Binary version for 32 bit Linux.

View Prior Binary Releases

[show] [hide]

Relax-Centos5-1_0_6.tgz [2014-07-19]

Binary version for 64 bit Centos 5 and RHEL 5.

Relax-Linux32-1_0_6.tgz [2014-07-19]

Binary version for 32 bit Linux.

Relax-Linux64-1_0_6.tgz [2014-07-19]

Binary version for 64 bit Linux.

Relax-Mac-1_0_6.dmg [2014-07-19]

Binary version for Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or later. [2014-07-19]

Binary version for Windows Vista and Windows 7.

Relax-Centos5-1_0_4.tgz [2012-12-30]

Binary version for 64 bit Centos 5 and RHEL 5.

Relax-Linux32-1_0_4.tgz [2012-12-30]

Binary version for 32 bit Linux.

Relax-Linux64-1_0_4.tgz [2012-12-30]

Binary version for 64 bit Linux.

Relax-Mac-1_0_4.dmg [2012-12-30]

Binary version for Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or later. [2012-12-30]

Binary version for Windows Vista and Windows 7.

Relax-Centos5-1_0_3.tgz [2012-06-18]

Binary version for 64 bit Centos 5 and RHEL 5.

Relax-Linux32-1_0_3.tgz [2012-06-18]

Binary version for 32 bit Linux.

Relax-Linux64-1_0_3.tgz [2012-06-18]

Binary version for 64 bit Linux.

Relax-Mac-1_0_3.dmg [2012-06-18]

Binary version for Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or later. [2012-06-18]

Binary version for Windows Vista and Windows 7.

Relax-Centos5-1_0_2.tgz [2012-06-06]

Binary version for 64 bit Centos 5 and RHEL 5.

Relax-Linux32-1_0_2.tgz [2012-06-06]

Binary version for 32 bit Linux.

Relax-Linux64-1_0_2.tgz [2012-06-06]

Binary version for 64 bit Linux.

Relax-Mac-1_0_2.dmg [2012-06-06]

Binary version for Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or later. [2012-06-06]

Binary version for Windows Vista and Windows 7.

Relax-Centos5-1_0_1.tgz [2012-05-16]

Binary version for 64 bit Centos 5 and RHEL 5.

Relax-Linux32-1_0_1.tgz [2012-05-16]

Binary version for 32 bit Linux.

Relax-Linux64-1_0_1.tgz [2012-05-16]

Binary version for 64 bit Linux.

Relax-Mac-1_0_1.dmg [2012-05-16]

Binary version for Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or later. [2012-05-16]

Binary version for Windows Vista and Windows 7.

Relax-Centos5-1.0.0.tgz [2012-01-05]

Binary version for 64 bit Centos 5 and RHEL 5.

Relax-Linux32-1.0.0.tgz [2012-01-05]

Binary version for 32 bit Linux.

Relax-Linux64-1.0.0.tgz [2012-01-05]

Binary version for 64 bit Linux.

Relax-Mac-1.0.0.dmg [2012-01-05]

Binary version for Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or later. [2012-01-05]

Binary version for Windows Vista and Windows 7.

Source Packages

Source packages can be installed automatically on Mac OS X platform using fink with the command:

fink install relax
Source packages can be installed automatically on Mac OS X platform using Macports with the command:

port install relax3d
If the installation fails, you may have to run

sudo port install fftw-3 +gcc47

Relax-1_0_7.tgz [2014-09-30]

Source code, documentation and examples.

View Prior Source Releases

[show] [hide]

Relax-1_0_6.tgz [2014-07-07]

Source code, documentation and examples.

Relax-1_0_4.tgz [2012-12-30]

Source code, documentation and examples.

Relax-1_0_3.tgz [2012-06-18]

Source code, documentation and examples.

Relax-1_0_2.tgz [2012-06-06]

Source code, documentation and examples.

Relax-1.0.1.tgz [2012-05-16]

Source code, documentation and examples.

Relax-1.0.0.tgz [2012-01-05]

Source code, documentation and examples.

User Resources

User Manual

The RELAX user manual is available online.

Community Wiki

Visit the RELAX Wiki page for additional support with building, using, or modifying RELAX.

RELAX Publications List

Research publications using RELAX.

Community Discussion

Browse the CIG Mailing List Archive to find past discussions and previous troubleshooting help, or post to the CIG forum with questions or comments.

Developer Resources

Development Version

If you are interested in getting the development version of this code from the CIG repository, use the following git command:

git clone --recursive

You can also browse the history of modifications in the Git repository.

Issue/Bug Tracker on Github

Browse and/or submit new issues at our Github Issues Tracker.

Doxygen Documentation

Auto-generated Doxygen documentation is available for the Development and Release codebases.

RELAX Users Map

Shows location of all users who downloaded RELAX in the past year (image updated daily.)

map showing location of all users who downloaded RELAX in the last year (image updated daily)
This image was generated using GMT: The Generic Mapping Tools which is released under the GNU LGPL3+. Location data is based on MaxMind's GeoLite database which is released under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 3.0.
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