Actively supported, maintained and upgraded by CIG.
Code changes:
Geodynamics Forum
Bug reports:
Github Issue Tracker
BSD License
Pythia refers to the Pyre framework and a collection of packages that interact with it, such as an interface to the ACIS solid modelling package.
Final update for Python 2.7.
Improve error trapping in parsing .cfg files.
Fix preprocessor code for detecting name of function in journal.
Community Wiki
Visit the Pythia Wiki page for additional support with building, using, or modifying Pythia.
Pythia Publications List
Research publications using Pythia.
Community Discussion
Browse the CIG Mailing List Archive to find past discussions and previous troubleshooting help, or post to the CIG forum with questions or comments.
Development Version
If you are interested in getting the development version of this code from the CIG repository, use the following git command:
git clone --recursive
You can also browse the history of modifications in the Git repository.
Issue/Bug Tracker on Github
Browse and/or submit new issues at our Github Issues Tracker.
Doxygen Documentation
Auto-generated Doxygen documentation is available for the Development and Release codebases.
Shows location of all users who downloaded Pythia in the past year (image updated daily.)