Poster Gallery: [figshare]
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1:00P Developing a 3D Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Modeling Code Using ASPECT. Maaike Weerdesteijn, Clinton P. Conrad, Kate Selway, John Naliboff, and Rene Gassmöller. [doi]
1:10P How Corrugated Surfaces Form at Ultraslow Spreading Ridges. Hao Lu and Eunseo Choi. [doi]
1:20P Accessing Remote Data Using a URL in ASPECT: the EarthCube BALTO-ASPECT URL Reader. Kodi Neumiller, James Gallagher, D. Sarah Stamps, and Emmanuel Njinju. [doi]
1:30P A Geodynamic Modeling Invvestigation of Plume-Lithosphere Interactions Beneath the East African Rift. Tahiry Rajaonarison, D. Sarah Stamps, John Naliboff, and Andrew Nyblade. [doi]
1:40P Melt Generation from Plume Lithosphere Interactions Beneath the Rungwe Volcanic Province, East Africa. Emmanuel A. Njinju,k D. Sarah Stamps, Tahiry A. Rajaonarison, Kodi Neumiller, and James Gallagher. [doi]
1:50P Effect of the Crust-Mantle Boundary on the Geometry of Ductile Shear Zones. Kali L. Allison and Laurent Montesi. [doi]
7:05A Surface Expressions of Lithosphere Removal Below the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. David Ernesto Quiroga Sánchez, Claire Currie, and Jillian Pearse. [doi]
7:15A Lithosphere Structures of Alaska Reveled by Ambient-Noise Joint Tomography. Tianshi Liu, Kai Wang, Ping Tong, Carl Tape, and Qinya Liu.[doi]
7:25A In-situ Parallel Visualizations fro Geodynamo Simulations Using Calypso. Hiroaki Matsui, Yangguang Liao, Takumi Kera, Yuto Katoh, Magali Billen, and Louise Kellogg. [doi]
7:35A The ASPECT Project: What's New? Wolfgang Bangerth, Juliane Dannberg, Menno Fraters, Rene Gassmoeller, Anne Glerum, Timo Heister, and John Naliboff. [doi]
7:45A Pointwise Kernels for Flexiible Implementation of Crustal Deformation Physics in PyLith. Brad Aagaard, Matthew Knepley, and Charles Williams. [doi]