
Activities of the Science Steering Committee


Next Scheduled Meeting: 


Activities will be posted approximately 1 week after each meeting.

Previous Meetings

27 October 2021

Present: Sylvain Barbot, Ebru Bozdag, Bruce Buffet,  Katie Cooper, Juliane Dannberg, Lorraine Hwang, Scott King, John Naliboff, and Cian Wilson

Absent: Krista Soderlund

 Action Items:

  • Discussed and recommended to the EC the formation of a new WG on Seismic Cycles

Discussion Items:

  • Discussed Business Meeting agenda.

27 September 2021

Present: Sylvain Barbot, Ebru Bozdag, Bruce Buffet, Juliane Dannberg, Lorraine Hwang, Scott King, John Naliboff, Krista Soderlund, and Cian Wilson

Absent:  Katie Cooper

Discussion Items:

  • Received CIG IV update
  • Discussed Business Meeting Agenda and Discussion Items. Considered extending the meeting beyond 1hour and having break-out sessions.
  • Discussed initiating discussions with leaders/organizers of initiatives/organizations on engagement opportunities.

8 June 2021

Present:  Katie Cooper, Juliane Dannberg, Lorraine Hwang, Scott King, John Naliboff, Krista Soderlund, and Cian Wilson

Absent: Sylvain Barbot, Ebru Bozdag, and Min Chen

Action Items:

  • Discussed and approved additional funds to Princeton to prepare AVNI for release
  • Deadline to review document roles of Executive Committee, Science Steering Committee, and Working Groups is June 21

17-18 May 2021

Present: Sylvain Barbot, Ebru Bozdag, Katie Cooper, Juliane Dannberg, Lorraine Hwang, Scott King, John Naliboff, Krista Soderlund, and Cian Wilson

Absent: Min Chen


  • Comparison of bylaws, proposal, and practice
  • CIG IV proposal update

Action Items:

  • Developed roles and responsibilities of the committees of the organization: EC, SSC, and Working Groups
  • Working Groups will have term limits

31 March 2021

Present: Sylvain Barbot, Ebru Bozdag, Min Chen, Juliane Dannberg, Lorraine Hwang, John Naliboff, Krista Soderlund, and Cian Wilson

Absent: Katie Cooper, Scott King


  • CIG has an open job announcement for postdocs. We will be sending out reminders to the community.


  • SSC members (3) will be reviewing the applications for the SMOREs program.
  • Began discussions on future Governance.  The group will work on defining the essential roles, gaps, and specific actions needed before the next meeting.


  • A program that teaching computational modeling should include opportunities for networking and creating research outcomes. Advanced computational training could be combined with other programs.

12 February 2021

Present: Sylvain Barbot, Ebru Bozdag, Min Chen, Katie Cooper, Juliane Dannberg, Lorraine Hwang, Scott King, John Naliboff, Krista Soderlund, and Cian Wilson


  • Approved vice Chair will serve 2 years, the 2nd year as Chair. Hence going forward, only a vice Chair will be elected annually by the voting members of the EC.
  • Juliane Dannberg elected as Vice Chair.


  • Postdoctoral Fellow program and feedback on fellowship applications.
  • Initiated discussions on subawards and governance changes.

17 September 2020

Present:  Ebru Bozdag, Juliane Dannberg, David Ham, Lorraine Hwang, Scott King, Jessica Irving, Gabriele Morra, Krista Soderlund, and Cian Wilson

Joint discussions with EC summarizing meetings with subawardees.

12-13 May 2020

Present: Ebru Bozdag, Juliane Dannberg, David Ham, Lorraine Hwang, Scott King, Jessica Irving, Gabriele Morra, Krista Soderlund, and Cian Wilson

Joint with EC


  • CIG I-III Review
  • Assessing current status of CIG - science, software, governance, and outreach
  • Invited:  Steven Whitmeyer, NSF GI Program Director

23 April 2020

Present: Juliane Dannberg, David Ham, Lorraine Hwang, Scott King, Louis Moresi,  Krista Soderlund, and Cian Wilson

Absent:  Ebru Bozdag, Jessica Irving, and Gabriele Morra

  • Updates:  Post Doc search, Speaker Series, upcoming workshops
  • Review: Joint meeting agenda

17 March 2020

Present: Ebru Bozdag, Juliane Dannberg, David Ham, Lorraine Hwang, Scott King, Jessica Irving, Gabriele Morra, Krista Soderlund, and Cian Wilson

Absent:  Louis Moresi


  • Postdoc applications. 
  • COVID 19 response. Sharing educational resources; asynchronous learning and virtual discussions.
  • Joint EC-SSC Meeting - May 2020
  • Software Donation Checklist
  • Privacy Policy

31 January 2020

Present: Juliane Dannberg, Lorraine Hwang, Scott King, Jessica Irving, Louis Moresi, Gabriele Morra, Krista Soderlund, and Cian Wilson

Absent: Ebru Bozdag and David Ham


  • Elected Chair: Scott King


  • Postdoc applications.  Update on search and review process.
  • Metrics. HQ will work on gathering and/or data discussed.
  • SSC Meeting in May. Possible joint or overlapping with EC.
  • Community Meeting in Fall. Early identification of possible topics necessary to ensure the right people are at the meeting.
  • Work plan for 2020 and HQ activities.

29 October 2019

Present: Brad Aagaard, Ebru Bozdag, David Ham, Lorraine Hwang, Jessica Irving, Louis Moresi, Gabriele Morra, Krista Soderlund, and Cian Wilson

Absent: John Rudge


  • Summary of EC activities
  • Update on 2020 events. Gather input at each for feedback for CIG IV.


  • Feedback from SSC on postdoctoral positions.
  • Metrics. Increasing diversity and EU privacy policies.
  • AGU Business Meeting. Gathering information from Working Groups and Developers.
  • SSC In-person meeting May (tentative).

20 August 2019

Present: Brad Aagaard, Magali Billen, Ebru Bozdag, David Ham, Lorraine Hwang, Jessica Irving, Louis Moresi, Gabriele Morra, Krista Soderlund, and Cian Wilson

Absent: John Rudge


  • Summary of June EC Meeting
  • Activity summary CIG Annual Report


  • Annual Report
  • Assessing current activity of Working Groups and software projects
  • Holding an in-person meeting this Fall.

14 May 2019

Present: Brad Aagaard, Magali Billen, Ebru Bozdag, David Ham, Lorraine Hwang, Louis Moresi, Krista Soderlund, and Cian Wilson

Absent: Jessica Irving, Gabriele Morra, and John Rudge


  • CIG self-assessment

Previous meetings: 

01 February 2019

Present: Brad Aagaard, Ebru Bozdag, David Ham, Lorraine Hwang, Jessica Irving, Louise Kellogg, Louis Moresi, Gabriele Morra, John Rudge, Krista Soderlund, and Cian WIlson


  • Elect chair: Brad Aagaard
  • Elect vice chair: Cian WIlson


  • Upcoming Workshops and CIG Activities

09 November 2018

Present: Brad Aagaard, Katie Cooper, David Ham, Lorraine Hwang, Jessica Irving, Boris Kaus, Louise Kellogg, Louis Moresi, Gabriele Morra, and John Rudge

Absent: Sabine Stanley


  • Discussion forum has launched
  • AGU Business meeting - new time and date


  • Donation of CitcomSVE
  • Collaborations with AuScope
  • Creating Speaker Series Committee
  • Renaming the Geodynamo Working Group

24 September 2018

Present: Brad Aagaard, Katie Cooper, David Ham, Lorraine Hwang, Boris Kaus, Louise Kellogg, Louis Moresi, Gabriele Morra, and John Rudge

Absent: Jessica Irving and Sabine Stanley


  • CIG's participation in Frontera at TACC
  • Rayleigh Hackathon highlights
  • 2015 CTSP Workshop white paper available


  • Nominations for election
  • New Education Working Group
  • Reforming Working Groups and term limits
  • Moving from a mailing list to a forum. A new platform is in testing.

7 May 2018




23 February 2018

Present: Brad Aagaard,  Katie Cooper, David Ham, Lorraine Hwang, Boris Kaus, Louise Kellogg, Louis Moresi. Gabriele Morra, and John Rudge
Absent: Jessica Irving and Sabine Stanley


  • Code of Conduct as approved by EC
  • Bylaws update in progress


  • Upcoming meetings in 2018
  • Refreshing Speaker Seiries
  • Community HPC needs
  • CIG Developer conference
  • Identifying grand challenges in computational geodynamcis

1 December 2017

Present: Brad Aagaard, Jed Brown, Katie Cooper, Lorraine Hwang, Boris Kaus, Louise Kellogg, David May, Sabine Stanley and Carl Tape


  • Upcoming CGU meeting
  • Community input for visioning document for research opportunities in computational geodynamics

2 November 2017

Present: Brad Aagaard,  Jed Brown, Katie Cooper, Boris Kaus, Louise Kellogg, Sabine Stanley and Carl Tape
Absent: David May


  • IRIS HPCWG proposal for CIG leadership on meeting community HPC needs
  • Code of Conduct for CIG
  • Upcoming Meetings and Workshop: AGU Business Meeting, CTSP, joint CGU meeting

04 May 2017

Present: Brad Aagaard,  Jed Brown, Katie Cooper, Boris Kaus, Louise Kellogg, and Sabine Stanley
Absent: David May and  Carl Tape

The meeting discussed:

  • Speaker Series nominations. A rank ordered list was developed pending further nominations.
  • Add on events.  Discussed criteria for funding events that leverage existing meetings.  

02 March 2017

Present: Brad Aagaard,  Jed Brown, Katie Cooper, Boris Kaus, Louise Kellogg, David May, Sabine Stanley, and Carl Tape

The meeting further discussed:

  • Long term scheduling of CIG meetings - working group and organizational wide
  • Implementation of and criteria for a CIG Distinguished Speaker series

02 February 2017

Present:  Brad Aagaard,  Jed Brown, Katie Cooper,  Lorraine Hwang, Boris Kaus, Louise Kellogg, David May, John Rudge, Sabine Stanley, and Carl Tape

The meeting focused on:

  • Election of new chair - Katie Cooper
  • Working Group membership, terms for members and participation of governance members
  • Long term scheduling of CIG meetings - working group and organizational wide
  • Criteria for a CIG Distinguished Speaker series

21 November 2016

           Brad Aagaard, Tim Ahern, Carl Tape, Jed Brown, Katie Cooper,  Lorraine Hwang, Louise Kellogg, and Sabine Stanley

           Bruce Buffet, Boris Kaus, and David May

The meeting focused on:

  • Discussion of CIG ‘16
  • Updates to Training Best Practices
    • Add timelines for tutorial preparation
    • delivery modes, clusters, VM, and docker
    • add something about how to contribute to developer community
    • continuous integration testing (best development practices)
  • What issues to be addressed in 2016
    • Working Groups - establish terms and cycle for workshops

18 March 2016

Brad Aagaard, Tim Ahern, Jed Brown, Katie Cooper, Lorraine Hwang, Louise Kellog, Sabine Stanley, Carl Tape
Boris Kaus, Dave May

The meeting focused on:

  • Software Training (Tutorial) Best Practices
    • Will be distributed to EC and CIG16 tutorial leaders for their info and feedback.
    • Brad will create a best_practices repository in GitHub to manage feedback and versioning.
  • CIG '16
    • Organizing committee is meeting weekly and finalizing the agenda and speakers.
    • Agenda has 2 poster sessions with lightning talks immediately preceding them.

2 February 2016

Brad Aagaard, Tim Ahern, Jed Brown, Katie Cooper, Boris Kaus, Sabine Stanley, Carl Tape
Dave May

The meeting focused on:

  • 2016 SSC
    • New members: Katie Cooper, Boris Kaus, and Sabine Stanley
    • Continuing members: Brad Aagaard, Tim Ahern, Jed Brown, Carl Tape, David May
    • Brad agreed to continue as chair for the time being
  • CIG-2016 Meeting, UC Davis, June 17-24, 2016
    • 2.5 day plenary meeting similar to IRIS, UNAVCO, COMPRESS
    • Tutorials before/after scheduled so that people would not likely attend tutorials before and after
    • Lodging in dorms and meals in dining halls
    • Collecting list of names for speakers
    • Formed program committee with volunteers from SSC and EC
      • CIG: Louise Kellogg and Lorraine Hwang
      • SSC: Brad Aagaard
      • EC: Omar Ghattas and Louis Moresi
  • Tutorial best practices
    • Brad is revising initial draft
    • Will distribute updated draft to SSC by the end of Feb



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