
Activities of the Executive Committee

Next Scheduled Meeting: 

tbd - January

Activities will be posted approximately 1 week after each meeting.

Last met on: 

10 November 2021

Present: Sylvain Barbot (invited), Bruce Buffett, Katie Cooper, Claire Currie, Alice Gabriel, Lorraine Hwang, Scott King, and Louis Moresi


  • Received recommendation from SSC for a Seismic Cycles Working Group. Sylvain Barbot gave an overview. Polling will take place via the forum.
  • Received update on CIG IV from Bruce Buffet.

Previous Meetings:

04 October 2021

Present: Katie Cooper,  Alice Gabriel, Lorraine Hwang, Scott King, and Louis Moresi

Absent: Bruce Buffett and Claire Currie


  • Nominations Committee has completed the slate and the candidates were presented to the EC. Elections will open October 11.
  • Received updates on CIG IV proposal submitted in August.

Action Items:

  • Approved 2021 Annual Report


  • Agenda and Discussion topics for breakouts for the Annual Business Meeting.


4 August 2021

Present: Katie Cooper, Claire Currie, Alice Gabriel, Lorraine Hwang, Scott King

Absent: Bruce Buffett, Louis Moresi

Action Items:

  • The CIG Annual Business Meeting will be held virtually on Thursday November 18, @ 2P PDT
  • Candidates for the Nominations Committee for Fall elections were selected.
  • Documents outlining the responsibilities of the EC, SSC, and Working Groups were approved.


  • CIG's approach to JEDI and Belonging.


17-18 May 2021

Present: Bruce Buffett, Katie Cooper, Claire Currie,  Lorraine Hwang, Scott King, Louis Moresi

Absent: Alice Gabriel


  • Comparison of bylaws, proposal, and practice
  • CIG IV proposal update

Action Items:

  • Developed roles and responsibilities of the committees of the organization: EC, SSC, and Working Groups
  • Working Groups will have term limits


22 February 2021

Present: Katie Cooper, Claire Currie, Alice Gabriel, Lorraine Hwang, Scott King, Louis Moresi

Absent: Bruce Buffett


  • Sustainability of community software projects and subawards in next proposal. Opening the process up and incubating new opportunities, and managing the process under constraints of writing a 5 year proposal.
  • Role of international affiliates and community members in CIG.
  • Governance models to engage the community and streamline decision making.


10 December 2020




  • Catherine Cooper elected as Chair
  • Claire Currie elected as vice Chair
  • Approved vice Chair will serve 2 years, the 2nd year as Chair. Hence going forward, only a vice Chair will be elected annually by the voting members of the EC.
  • Update on CIG IV Writing Committee membership


12 November 2020



closed meeting


10 November 2020

Present: Bruce Buffet, Katie Cooper, Claire Currie, Lorraine Hwang,  and Carl Tape

Absent: Scott King and Louis Moresi

closed meeting


17 September 2020

Present: Bruce Buffet, Katie Cooper, Lorraine Hwang, Scott King, and Carl Tape

Absent: Claire Currie and Louis Moresi

Joint discussions with SSC summarizing meetings with subawardees.


28 August 2020

Present: Bruce Buffet, Katie Cooper, Claire Currie, Lorraine Hwang, Scott King, Louis Moresi, and Carl Tape


  • Workshop Updates
  • Select Nominations Committee 
  • Update from Search Committee
  • Criteria for resuming and holding in person meetings.


25 May 2020

Present: Bruce Buffet, Katie Cooper, Claire Currie, Lorraine Hwang, Louis Moresi,  and Carl Tape

Absent: Scott King


  • Search Committee: members and guidance


12-13 May 2020

Present: Bruce Buffet, Katie Cooper, Claire Currie, Lorraine Hwang, Scott King, Louis Moresi,  and Carl Tape

Joint with SSC


  • CIG I-III Review
  • Assessing current status of CIG - science, software, governance, and outreach
  • Invited:  Steven Whitmeyer, NSF GI Program Director


26 April 2020

Present: Bruce Buffet, Katie Cooper, Claire Currie, Lorraine Hwang, Scott King, Louis Moresi,  and Carl Tape

  • Updates: Post Doc, Speaker Series
  • Joint EC-SSC: agenda and topics


31 March 2020

Present: Katie Cooper, Claire Currie, Lorraine Hwang, Scott King, Louis Moresi,  and Carl Tape

Absent: Bruce Buffet


  • HQ Updates
    • Impact of COVID-19
    • Contributing Software Checklist
    • Privacy Policy
  • Joint EC-SSC Meeting


03 February 2020

Present: Thorsten Becker, Bruce Buffet, Katie Cooper, Claire Currie, Lorraine Hwang, Scott King, Carolina Lithgow-Bertelloni, Louis Moresi,  and Carl Tape


  • Report on nominations process from the 2019 elections
  • Community needs and direction.


14 January 2020

Present: Bruce Buffet,  Katie Cooper, Lorraine Hwang, Louis Moresi,  and Carl Tape

Absent: Claire Currie


  • Welcomed Bruce Buffett and Claire Currie (returning) to the EC.


  • Process for identifying leadership for CIG IV proposal.
  • Reviewed and confirmed current process for appointing Working Groups. Acknowledged need for mechanism to rotate members off of committees.


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